Big corporations are releasing additional web products for their platforms. For example, the Safari browser was developed by Apple for Mac OS and iOS platforms. The browser is the second most downloaded browser in the world. The program is based on the WebKit engine. Follow the link on this page and download the free official version of the Safari browser.

The application is compatible with Mac OS and iOS platforms.

Safari browser features

  • you can use Yandex, Google, Yahoo, Duckduckgo to search;
  • blocking pop-up ads;
  • sync with address books;
  • incognito mode;
  • supports SSL, TLS and encryption protocols;
  • recognition of non-standard fonts;
  • read mode;
  • fullscreen mode;
  • omnibox;
  • spell check.

Download the latest version of Safari from the direct link on this page. Then open the file in the Downloads folder and wait for the full installation of the program. When the software installation is complete, open your browser.

The browser is designed for specific platforms, which means it is optimized for them. Working with this browser will take your journey into the world of the Internet to a new level.